Invoice Simple is currently offering a credit equivalent to your monthly subscription cost (excluding tax) for accepting online payments from your clients. Simply onboard with PayPal and start accepting payments and your subscription cost will be refunded. This offer is extended to any payment amount accepted through any payment method through PayPal (PayPal, Venmo, Credit Card). To be provided with the full value of and experience of this program, including messaging updates, it is best utilized via your mobile app.
Below are some examples of how it will appear on your mobile device:
Who is eligible for this offering?
This offer is available to any U.S. customer who has been on a monthly subscription for at least two months and has created at least one invoice in the last two months. Additionally, this offer is only available to customers who have not received payment through PayPal on on invoice for the last 90 days. You will also need to be on the most recent version of the app. You will receive communications from Invoice Simple via email if you are eligible.
If I haven't received an email regarding this offering from Invoice Simple, am I still eligible for this offering?
If you have not received any communication from Invoice Simple regarding this offering, you will not be eligible.
How long will this offer run for?
This offer will be available between March 1st, 2025 and May 31st, 2025.
Will I be eligible for this offer for payments I have received in the past?
No, this offer will only be available for payments collected during the offer period (March 1st - May 31st)
How will my I receive credit for my monthly subscription cost?
The amount of your monthly subscription cost (excluding tax) will be refunded directly to your PayPal account. You will receive payment within the first 10 business days of the next month.
If I generate less than 100% of the threshold, will I receive pro-rated reimbursement?
No, a reimbursement will only be offered if 100% or more of the required payment threshold is processed.
Why isn't tax included in the reimbursement amount?
Because tax rates are different from state to state, it's not possible for us to reimburse that amount as well. We will only be able to refund the monthly subscription amount.